Coronavirus Prevention

Dear Customers

We have all endured some very challenging times recently, and now that we are back to some form of normality, we must recognise what is going to be a ‘New Normal’ for some considerable time.

Our aim is to ensure we protect the Health, Safety and Wellbeing of our Staff, Driving Instructors, Pupils and other people that we come into contact with on a regular basis, for example, Driving Examiners.

We have set out some rules below, these must be followed by both Driving Instructors and Pupils, with no exceptions.

  • Driving Instructors will thoroughly clean their vehicle with a suitable product between each lesson, remembering to focus on areas that are often not thought about, such as the minor vehicle switches, seat adjusters etc. A separate guide has been issued to instructors.
  • Pupils are to wash hands thoroughly, for at least 20 seconds using Soap and Water before and after their Driving Lessons.
  • Instructors are to insist Pupils sanitise their hands outside of the vehicle before the door is opened.
  • Pupil to bring a suitable Face Mask and wear for the duration of the session.
  • Driving Instructor to wear a suitable face mask when near others.
  • No person should touch their face.
  • Avoid face-to-face interaction where possible.
  • If you need to cough, do so into the inside of your elbow with your arm slightly bent, or use a tissue to catch the cough.
  • Do not exchange any items (iPads / Phones / Food / Water / Confectionery)
  • Pupils showing symptoms of COVID-19 must cancel their lessons. Instructors are not to rebook lessons for at least 14 days.
  • Window to be open for ventilation.

Should you have any questions, please speak directly with your instructor or contact our office on 0333 456 5455. We thank you for adhering to the above and helping to protect yourselves and us against the spread of this virus.

We look forward to seeing you on the road.

Best Wishes

The Management Team


M 4 Motoring Driving School Limited registered in England and Wales no. 09064045
Registered office 35 Amelia Way, Newport NP19 0LQ
Copyright © M 4 Motoring Driving School Limited 2024